Stanley Shrew of Inkley Wood

Join Stanley Shrew and his friends for their Christmas adventures in Inkley Wood! Go sledding, fly high to meet Father Christmas and of course listen to the excitement around the log fire.

Stanley Shrew’s greatest passion in life was singing Christmas Carols, which he tried to hide behind a quiet smile
Stanley Shrew’s other passion was his neighbour Hortense, an avid gardener and cook. On the way back from his choir practice he found some mistletoe and thought of Hortense. “For your Christmas display!” he said
Stanley, Hortense and Drew decorating the Christmas Tree

Enjoy a hot chocolate at the end of a fun packed day

Hot chocolate at Hortense’s house
The Christmas Feast at Hortense’s house
Stanley and Hortense ice skating
Stanley taking off with his kite!
Stanley up in Owl’s tree
Stanley thanking Hortense for making Owl his favourite cake because he saved Stanley
Stanley gazing at the globe Hortense had given him and his mother’s diamond ring…
Inkley Wood Farm Shop run by Simon Snail and Andre Frog
Inkley Wood Farm Shop Cheese Tasting – some little ones think a muffin tasting would be more fun!
Stanley and the slide he made with Owl’s help, for the little ones
Hide and Seek in Inkley Wood
Stanley jumping for joy at seeing all the bluebells and forget me nots blossoming in the wood
Stanley mesmerized by the happy and diligent work of the bumblebees, collecting the Spring morning dew droplets off the rose leaves into their acorn buckets…

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