Welcome to the art world of Giselle


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About Giselle Sellier

A very young Giselle with her brother – the fierce concentration of someone under the spell of the magic of painting!
Having been born in the Canadian Red Cross Hospital in Buckinghamshire, her early years were spent in the Bahamas and Haiti, London and Bahrain, and then UCL beckoned, and many jobs that didn’t involve art later she and her beloved family ended up moving from Eastbourne to France where a love of food and the simple pleasures in life are enjoyed. She felt inspired to paint and write poetry after reading P. D. Eastman’s The Best Nest as a child and continues to be inspired by books and nature like a magpie searching for glistening folderols hopping here and there and hiding little gems in her nest. Not painting would be like not breathing, it just doesn’t feel right. It is the way I bring joy to myself and hopefully to others.